The In-Between Colors
Sometimes its appropriate to use a color in between two standard colors. For instance, if Orange seems too powerful, but Yellow might not have enough “kick,” then a color “in-between” might be just right.
There are five in-between color combinations and their names explain what their respective combinations are. They are meant to be used as exceptions, rather than the rule, but are handy to keep in mind, if needed.
They can also be used if doing a front and back tonation at once and you don’t have the exact color for the back. In that case, selecting the closest in-between color would be fine.
Here are the in between color combinations:
- Red-Orange
- Lemon-Green
- Turquoise-Blue
- Orange-Yellow
- Green-Turquoise
I would like to learn more about light therapy sounds interesting
I bought your book “Let there be light”. In your FAQ on the book, you mentioned it contained remedies for over 600 diseases. My book just contained 331 diseases. Is there an updated version.
There are 331 color schedules in chapter seven though the index has has about 600 because most schedules give the medical term and also the common name.
The 13 edition is the latest. The book contains recommendations for using Spectro Chrome Coloured Transpairancies to address dysfunctions in the body, no mention of Cures.